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my least favorite month

It's official. August is here. August is my least favorite month of the year. I'm really not that picky or discriminating in general, but I have always disliked August. Sorry month #8. Here are few reasons why you bug me:
1. Summer is my least favorite season. You are the last full month of this season, and usually, but the time you roll around, I am tired of the heat, humidity and sun burns that summer brings. Summer is stale by August.
2. Fall is my favorite season of the year. By August, I am tired of summer and want fall! But alas! I still have a month and a half to go before the cool winds of autumn sweep in to relieve me. Hurry up Fall!!
3. As a child, August meant "back to school". I was a fairly normal child in the sense that I was not happy to be returning to the early mornings, overly structured classes ruled by overly anal instructors, homework and tests.
4. Referring to #1 & 2, August has always represented to me an interim between two things that I wish would be transitioned quickly. I think it is the oppressive heat that keeps time from moving forward at a reasonable rate. I really believe that time slows down in the summer. And by August, I am ready for winds of change - literally.

I also despise the hour of 3 p.m. Reasons are similar, but in the daily sense.


Tanya said…
Happy August, Emily! :) Yeah, you have a blog!! Did you not want anyone to know? I found you :) I love reading your blog - you make me giggle. Glad to hear that you read my blog, too. Such a neat way to keep in touch, huh!?
Emily Gray said…
that's so funny! how did you find me? I'm not officially "out". :-p
I had not made it public until a couple of days ago.
Shhhh....I may not be ready for the world to know yet. But thank you so much for being my very first commenter!!
Tanya said…
It will be our little secret then :) I saw that you commented on Beth's blog. I found her blog through Malia's. I'm honored to be your first commenter!

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