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my very second blogger meet-up

I was remiss in posting about my very first blogger meet-up, which was over the Christmas holiday. Somehow, the stars aligned, and my sister & I (who live in Nashville) were able to meet Lisa (who lives in VA) and her family, in Florida. Nothin' like the comforts of common territory when meeting those all-elusive 'internet' friends for the first time. Lisa's dad is also a blogger, and the night before we all met, I happened to see a comment of his on my preacher's blog. Additionally, for the first time that night, I noticed that Lisa has blogrolled a friend of mine from college who I didn't even know had a blog. We can play 6 degrees of Kevin Bacon later. I need to get back to my post here...

But before I do, I want to say thanks to Lisa & her family for being my very first blogger meet-up! It was fun. But more than that, it brought a sense of satisfaction that this thing we all do called 'blogging' is not just a hobby, or a hope for recognition, or shameless self-promotion. It's about being a community. It's about keeping up with each other and the world around you in a way that News Channel 2 or the Tennessean can't. Blogging, chat-rooms, online dating, myspace, etc... all still have a bad rep in many circles because people mistakenly think it is still some cheap form of faceless communication. That it's only for hermits, or people with fears of open-spaces & commitment. But the truth is, blogging has ironically shown me how small the world is by extending it over state and international lines and connecting me to people I otherwise would have never known existed. The truth is, real people blog. And I'm glad they do.

This is an excellent segue into my very second blogger meet-up, which occured at precisely 12:02 pm today at the Mothership. I met John H of Salem's Lots, and together with my sister & brother in law, we talked about everything from "I never would have known these people if it weren't for blogging" to Francis & Sophia Copolla to mob intrigue to blogger gossip to corporate religion to NIT to our jobs, etc... etc... blah... blah... all in the space of 2 hours. Oh, and Bad Bad Ivy showed up, which is just great cuz now I'm gonna get addicted to her blog which is just the one thing I seem to be missing in life. She had rockin' cool ultra-violet hair, and I get the feeling she likes to keep things interesting :)

So thanks to everyone for showing up today for bbq and blog-talk. Thanks especially to John H for resolving to meet me. I have friends I've known for years who still don't want to meet me.

Just chew on that for a while and then get back to me.

peace -


John H said…
I feel confident I was everything you expected, which, I think, is why you brought along Malia, her husband, her two kids, a bald-headed guy at the next table who pretended to be just a lonely guy, and had the Berry Hill police circle the block around 10 times...

Can't say that I blame ya. Next time..lose the bald guy (o;

Good times...
Battlerocker said…
Wow. That's a pretty tight knit blog circle you have going on. I've never met any of the bloggers I keep in touch with, and neither do I know any in real life. Glad the meeting was a success though.
Emily Gray said…
that's HI-larious john! I was thinking he was some kind of spy also, but i never dreamed you'd think i planted him there. sorry about the cops though - i'll try to make them less obvious next time.
Brian Nicklaus said…
I see all these visitors coming from some wierd "for the love" site so I had to check out it and it's emily!

how wierd, I just met Lisa recently through blogging, because of a new jersey connection.

glad I found your blog, thanks for the link
Lisa said…
Yep, & here I am. Shucks, Em, thanks for the shout-out. It was great meeting you too. I like what you had to say about blogging not just being for the hermits. It was really fun to meet a fellow blogger face-to-face! Brian's next. :)
I love the fact thats it's a small world (after all :)

Brian Nicklaus is my brother. Lisa is wonderful and I'll bookmark your site and stop by often!
John H said…
hey..i just realized something..the last 3 posts on your blog have all mentioned me..ME. John H.

NOw..some folks did that no-blo-po deal where they posted at least daily in the month of November..and some folks are in on that 365 proj, where they post a pic a day each day of 2007..

How about YOU starting the Jo-po-pro-yo-yo dealie where you post something about me or mention my name in EVERY post of 2007...whooohooo..breaking ground here, baby!

this doesn't count against that restraining order, does it?
Malia said…
And John was afraid that I would get a big head!
John H said…
hey..i've never mentioned my own name three straight posts, ever...and i already have a big head..7 and 3/4ths to be exact.
Lisa said…
John H. is pretty funny. I don't read his blog regularly, but I read all the comments he leaves on yours & Malia's posts & laugh a lot!

And I enjoy Paula's blog too. I wouldn't say I'm wonderful, though!! Fantastic, witty, cerebral ...

Whoa, now who's got a big head?!

By the way, mind if I link you on my blog? We have met, after all. :)
John H said…
Lisa - if you read my blog regularly,'d be somewhat unique. I'm actually pretty funny on most days containing an 'R'..otherwise I just bloviate and commit occasional bloggorrhea.
Rae said…
I think the Mothership is one massive blogger hang out! We've gotten to meet a ton of bloggers through our races and it's all been such a blast. I think most every Nashville blogger was at a Halloween party we went to!
Brian Nicklaus said…
hey, how come my link on the right column isn't working??

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