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kamikaze workout

Q: What does a girl do when she blows her weekend on junk food and no exercise?
A: Monday night kamikaze workout

On kamikaze Monday, Emily gets no coffee. Boooo.

I get to the gym at 5:30 pm. 17 minute warm up on the treadmill (2 minutes running flat at 6.3, minutes 3-8 running up steadily increasing incline, minutes 8-10 running flat at steadily decreasing pace. Minutes 11-17 walking at steadily decreasing pace. Stretch. Yawn.

10 minutes on free weights. 10 minutes jumping rope. Make that about 9 1/2 minutes jumping rope, 30 seconds total combined effort to untangle myself from tripping over rope. Stop, start, stop, start, stop, start, I am a terrible jump roper. 10 minutes abs.

60 minutes kickboxing.

Now this may not seem like much of a suicide mission to some of you out there. But I rarely multi-task at the gym. Overall I would say the experience was a good one. Something I may repeat in the future. Bottom line: I just don't have time to work out this much on a regular basis. I like to eat dinner before 8pm. I like to spend time at home relaxing. I like going to bed at night not wondering if I will wake up the next morning with a workout-induced migraine. I like my couch.

Dinner was the crowing affair: the Protein Power Plate at Zoe's Kitchen. Go there. Get the protein power plate (marinated, slightly blackened, but actually grilled chicken on a bed of greek slaw + 3 pita triangles). Or the get chicken rollups. Or the greek salad. Do not get the grilled cheese sandwich. I may not know you, but I can assure you that you can make a better grilled cheese sandwich at home. They really missed their opportunity to send out a truly amazing sandwich. This one is only for kids, and is way overpriced. Be quiet Food Critic! Get off my blog.

I'm goin' to bed.


Malia said…
I just walked for 22 minutes pushing a 30 lb toddler in a stroller. That's kamikaze enough for me right now. I'm tired from walking and reading about your work-out!
Ellyn said…
I 2nd Malia's comment. I found myself sweating just reading about your workout!

I like my couch too but unfortunately I don't get much of that with 2 teenagers! My time will come but until then the waist expandeth and the tummy untucketh...i should really do somthing!

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