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five years later: part III (the end of the trilogy)

I should have posted this yesterday, but I had other things to do and the day got away somehow. But yesterday was my 5 year anniversary at work.

Oh, about the title of this post. If you need to watch the first 2 episodes in order to catch up, they are here and here. But you don't HAVE to read them to understand what happens in this final shocking conclusion to the trilogy of "5 years later". I just keep calling it that because I wrote 2 installments of "5 five years later" and always knew I'd write this one when the time came. I feel so....sci-fi-movie-script-writer. Uh...Emily...George Lucas and Steven Spielberg are on the phone. They'd like you to come up with an original idea.

Anyways, yes, five years later I still work for the same company, and I consider it quite an accomplishment. I've gained a lot of experience in a field I never intended to work in, not to mention this fully completed 5th year gets me a third week of vacation and 80% vesting in my 401(k). I don't mean to sound bitter or ungrateful. I really am excited about that extra week of vacation. It's just that, I'm 30, and I've spent 5 years in one place, and I've put a lot of work into it, and yet I still feel like I don't know what I want to do with my life. I still don't know how to get from point A to point B. I know what I want for my life, but I don't feel like I have a lot of control over getting it.

I could list about 10 specific things that I want for my life. But the only one I'm going to mention here is this one: the moral of today's post: Contentment. I want to be content, in every stage of life (is it ironic that I am not content with my lack of contentment?). I want to be content where I am now, with who I am now, knowing that any change made in my life will be made by my Father in order to accomplish His will for my life.

Sometimes I really resent that.

But most of the time, as scary as it is, I really appreciate it.


Mike J. said…
Bad question I know, but what do you do for a living Emily?
Lisa said…
I struggle with contentment too. I think it's pretty common. Though, when people tell me that I think, "that's great and all that I'm not alone, but it doesn't help me learn to be content." I think it helps to have a few small things that you find great joy in, that help you to see your many blessings, and then it just grows from there (the contentment). I know you have many things you're grateful for, so maybe the more you dwell on those blessings, the easier it will be to realize just how great your life in general is. And sometimes, when we find how happy we are with what we already have, God uses that time to show us the next great thing He has in store for us.
Malia said…
Well, I feel that I have contentment but I don't necessarily know how I got it! Now don't go rollin' your eyes at me 'cause you're thinking that I have everything on "my list" for life. Because I don't. ;-)

I think I may have found contentment knowing that God is faithful. There are some things that I yearn for but I feel content knowing that a) if it's God's will for my life, it'll happen and b) there's a lot for me to do and be content with in the mean time.

Love ya, sis! Keep your chin up! I'm very happy you've been here 5 years and going! You're a blessing to me and to David and the kids!

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